Yebes report --------------- 1) Changed the wiring of the VLBA4 rack. We extracted the VLBA formatter and inserted the Mark 4 formatter and the Mark4 decoder in its place. The external power supplies are no longer used and now we use the VLBA power supplies. None of the modules of the VLBA formatter is being used anymore. 2) Slightly modified the timing module, to extract a 80 Hz signal from the box that allows continuous amplitude calibration as in the VLBA. Items 1 and 2 have been documented in an internal memo in spanish with photos which can be downloaded from here: 3) We have installed Debian 3.0r1 (woody) in the FS computer. This is documented in english here: 4) We have written some procedures to create a local web page that monitors several paramaters useful for observations, like weather, status of the receiver, temperatures in some places. The parameters are updated each 2 minutes. The internal memo is here: 4) Our computer does not have a direct connection to the antenna, so we have to synchronize the FS computer with the antenna computer manually. This was achieved some years ago by an application which is described here: but the ONOFF procedure and the data_flagging posed more stringent conditions and recently we managed to read the position errors of our 14m dish to use properly ONOFF. There is no memo yet on this work but the work is done and seems to work reasonably. We use a standalone application. For the GUI we used Python + Qt instead of Tcl/Tk. 5) We have problems with one of the computers that controls de 14M antenna. The computer is old (HP1000) and we may be have a disk problem. If the problem worsens we may stop observing for some months or till the 40M is ready. 5) We have started the purchase of a Mark5 after covering plenty of stages placed by the spanish administration. The Mark5 is expected to arrive next september. We have purchased 4 8-packs of 200 Mb disks (IDE Western Digital Caviar, was the last model I am aware of) 6) The construction of the 40M proceeds as expected. Some pieces from the main reflector began to arrive at Yebes last week. The antenna will not be ready for regular observations before 2005. Pablo de Vicente. 24/6/2003